Saturday, May 25, 2013

General Knowledge Quiz-18

General Knowledge Quiz-18

Q1. In terms of area , which is the largest Union territory of India?

(A) Daman and Diu 
(B) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
(C) Lakshadweep 
(D) Puducherry 

Q2. “World No Tobacco day” is observed on which of the following days? 
(A) 31st May 
(B) 21st May 
(C) 10th May 
(D) 1st May 

Q3. Who became the first National Security Advisor of India in 1998? 
(A) M K Narayan
(B) K C Pant 
(C) Brajesh Mishra 
(D) J N Dixit 

Q4. What was the active medium used in the first working laser ever constructed?
(A) Carbon dioxide gas 
(B) A ruby rod 
(C) A diamond block 
(D) Helium-neon gas 

Q5. Who was the 1st ODI captain for India? 
(A) Ajit Wadekar 
(B) Bishen Singh Bedi 
(C) Nawab Pataudi 
(D) Vinoo Mankad 

Q6. On which riverbank is Goa located?
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Gomati 
(C) Sabarmati 
(D) Mandovi 

Q7. Which of these rivers does not originate in India?
(A) Ravi 
(B) Brahmaputra 
(C) Beas 
(D) Gomti 

Q8. Which of the only planet of our Solar System that rotates in a clockwise direction around its own axis? 
(A) Earth 
(B) Jupiter 
(C) Mars 
(D) Venus 

Q9. Which is the longest bone in human body?
(A) Femur
(B) Fibula 
(C) Radius 
(D) Stapes

Q10. In Solar System, which planet rotates the fastest on its axis? 
(A) Venus 
(B) Saturn 
(C) Jupiter 
(D) Mercury 


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