Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Computer Quiz for Bank Exams – IBPS, SBI Exams

Hi Aspirants, here are some more Computer Knowledge Quiz Questions useful for various bank exams conducted by IBPS, SBI etc. Click on the start quiz button to attempt the quiz in online mode and check you score.

Computer Quiz for Bank Exams

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1. Computer software includes
Answer: All of these

2. To open find window.
Answer: F5

3. The Operating System Manages
Answer: All of the above

4. _______ Is the execution of at least two different programs simultaneously,
Answer: Multiprocessing

5. Allocation of a resources in a time dependent manner to several program simultaneously called
Answer: time sharing

6. _________ Is a mechanism by which all the content in a specified storage areas are written as output.
Answer: Dumping

7. Data that are accumulated and processed in group called
Answer: Batch Processing

8. The first generation computers used ____________ for circuitry.
Answer: Vacuum tube

9. The period of First generation computers is
Answer: 1940-1956

10. Which of the following are true about firewalls?


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