Monday, May 11, 2020

Hindu Vocabulary Review 11 May 2020

Hi friend's we are today discussing the vocabulary from the Hindu Editorial dated 11 May 2020.

First editorial is on the killing of 16 migrant workers in rail track.

1. flip-flop - to change a plan completely
Hindu usage: The Centre and several States have been engaged in flip-flops on facilitating the return of migrant workers to their homes. 

2. aggravated - to make a bad situation worse.
Eg: Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.

Hindu usage: This governance failure was aggravated by several States, either due to lack of capacity or incompetence.

3. indelible - Indelible memories or actions are impossible to forget, or have a permanent influence or effect.
Eg: I have an indelible memory of that meeting with Anastasia.

Hindu usage: The sight of an endless stream of migrant labourers, some of them carrying toddlers and the infirm, walking towards India’s poorer regions from its economic centres, will remain an indelible memory of this inept and insensitive approach that had not taken their particular circumstances into account. 

4. inept - not skilled or effective.
Eg: an inept comment/remark

5. pestilence - a serious and growing problem.
Eg: The report states that vandalism is a pestilence that must be stamped out.

Hindu usage: Though it did not spare any effort to make spectacles out of an unfolding pestilence, each government announcement about the lockdown threw even the educated public into a tailspin, and required numerous clarifications and amendments. 

6. tailspin - a sudden fall that cannot be controlled.
Eg: The plane went into a tailspin and crashed.

7. tenuous - weak, unimportant, or in doubt:
Eg: The aging dictator’s hold on power is tenuous.

Hindu usage: To argue that this is a once-in-a-century event that caught even developed countries napping could at best be a tenuous defence.

8. slumber - sleep.
Eg: I fell into a gentle slumber.

Hindu usage: Even after it woke from the slumber and announced special trains to ferry the stranded and starving workforce to their homes, confusion reigned. 

9. Onerous - difficult to do or needing a lot of effort.
Eg: the onerous task of finding a peaceful solution.

Hindu usage: Onerous paper work and huge costs were heaped on these hapless citizens who manage to barely get by even in the best of times. 

10. arbitrarily - in a way that is based on chance rather than being planned or based on reason.
Eg: We made the decision to go to Italy quite arbitrarily.

Hindu usage: States acted arbitrarily; courts intervened thoughtlessly. 

11. mitigate - to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad.
Eg: It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island.

Hindu usage: A huge cost has already been paid in lives and suffering, but even now there can be measures to mitigate the situation.


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