Thursday, September 24, 2015

Computer Quiz for IBPS PO and Clerk Exam 2015

Friends.. Here are a bunch of questions from Computer Section repeatedly asked in Bank Exams. This will be very useful for upcoming IBPS PO 2015 and IBPS Clerk Exam 2015. Attempt the quiz and share your score.

Computer Quiz for Bank Exams

Click Here to take this quiz from our direct site for better experience 
1) Extension name of flash file is?
(A) .pdf
(B) .swf
(C) .pmd
(D) .prd

2) Which shortcut key is used to spell check in MS word is?
(A) F1
(B) F2
(C) F7
(D) F9

3) Temporary memory is called as?

4) The fastest and quietest type of printer is?
(A) dot-matrix printer
(B) inkjet printer
(C) laser printer
(D) plotter

5) A Proxy server is used for which of the following?
(A) To provide security against unauthorized users
(B) To process client requests for web pages
(C) To process client requests for database access
(D) To provide TCP/IP

6) Software, such as Explorer and Firefox, are referred to as?
(A) Systems software
(B) Utility software
(C) Browsers
(D) Internet tools

7) The linking of computers with a communication system is called
(A) Networking
(B) Pairing
(C) Interlocking
(D) Assembling

8) DOS stands for?
(A) Direct Operation System
(B) Disk Operation Software
(C) Disk Operation System
(D) Direct Operation Software

9) Memory which forgets everything when you switch off the power is known as?
(A) Corrupted
(B) Volatile
(C) Non-Volatile
(D) Non-Corrupted

10) The name for the way that computers manipulate data into information is called?
(A) Programming
(B) Processing
(C) Storing
(D) Organizing 
Attempt above Quiz to check the right answers. 
Also Check other Computer Awareness Questions


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